For five consecutive years, our dedication to creating a brighter future for underprivileged children in Sri Lanka has remained steadfast. Through our “Hope” School Stationery Donation initiative, we have empowered more than 500 students annually with essential school supplies, which encompass stationery, bags, uniforms, shoes, and other necessities.
In the aftermath of the Sri Lankan conflict, the path to recovery has been a lengthy and formidable one, especially for schools and children in conflict-ravaged areas such as Jaffna Kilinochchi.
At Voice Foundation, we are dedicated to safeguarding the well-being of our most vulnerable members: our children. The Annual Voice Walk is our flagship event, conducted in partnership with like-minded organizations, to raise awareness and take a stand against child abuse.
In times of adversity, solidarity becomes our greatest strength. At Voice for Voiceless Foundation, we are committed to extending a helping hand to those affected by natural disasters.
In a world fraught with challenges, single mothers and widows often grapple with distinctive difficulties as they endeavor to support their families.